Resources for DigiKnow partners

Help with the cost of internet access

There are free-to-use public computers and Wi-Fi in all Stockport libraries, the One Stockport Hub and Stockport Council reception. See Library opening hours or learn more about Open+ to use libraries outside staffed hours.

View our interactive map to see the locations of free Wi-Fi across Stockport.

Call the DigiKnow Helpline on 07724 217888 to find out about borrowing a device or data from the DigiKnow Device Lending Library.

Social tariffs are discounted price plans for people who receive government benefits. 

Digital Champion newsletter

Sign up for Starting Point’s weekly  Digital Champion newsletter.

Digital Champion Learning Guides

Starting Point have created user guides for Digital Champions for doing things online and these can be downloaded from Starting Point Community Learning Partnership (Learn Worlds).

Device recycling

How to unlink your phone. Instructions for Android and iPhone.

Drop-in poster

Download pdf to self-print.

Statistics and reports

Fixing the Digital Divide in Greater Manchester: Social Impact Report – GMCA

Ofcom Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2024

Making the future a reality: harnessing the potential of patient-facing tech in healthcare

Digital Wellbeing – ALL Digital 2023

Digital Poverty in the UK – Digital Poverty Alliance 2023

Building a Digital Nation – Good Things Foundation

Data Poverty APPG State of the Nation report 2023

Ada Lovelace Institute ‘Healthcare Access denied’ report 2023

Digital Skills Report for the Charity Sector 2023

House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee’s digital exclusion report 2023

Digital Inclusion in Libraries in England – Good Things Foundation 2023

Digital Poverty Alliance National Delivery Plan 2023

The economic impact of digital inclusion in the UK – GTF 2022

Nominet Digital Youth Index 2022

Digital exclusion: a review of Ofcom’s research on digital exclusion among adults in the UK 2022

GM Social Impact Report 2022: fixing the digital divide

The British Academy 2022 – Understanding Digital Poverty and Inequality in the UK

GTF 2022 – Local communities and the internet ecosystem: Scaling solutions to data poverty in the UK

Lloyds Consumer Digital Index 2022

Lloyds Essential Digital Skills Report

Digital Poverty Alliance – One Year On Report – 2022

Ofcom Affordability of Communications Services – 2022

Census 2021

Ofcom Online Nation 2022

GTF 2022 – The economic impact of digital inclusion in the UK

Charity Digital Skills Report 2022

Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2021

Lloyds Bank Essential Digital Skills Report 2021

What factors have impacted on older people’s (75+) access/experience of digital public services during covid-19?

New analysis of 2020 Ofcom media use and attitudes data

GTF 2020 – A blueprint for a 100% Digitally Included nation

All-party Parliamentary Group on Digital Skills, 2020 – The impact of COVID-19 and lessons learned for improving digital skills in the future

All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration, 2020 – Social connection in the COVID-19 crisis

Age UK 2020 – Digital inclusion and older people – how have things changed in a Covid-19 world?

ONS Internet access – households and individuals, Great Britain: 2020

Good Things Foundation, 2019 – Digital Motivation: Exploring the reasons people are offline,

ONS 2019 Exploring the UK’s digital divide

Age UK Digital Inclusion Evidence Review 2018

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