DigiKnow partner MadLab is a grassroots innovation organisation who work with technology and people, combining an understanding of new and emerging technologies with the tools and methods of participatory design. Their Make Stuff project running throughout DigiFest is supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which forms part of the Government’s wider Levelling Up agenda, and has been made possible thanks to support from Stockport Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Lou Bruin is Project and Event Manager.
Make Stuff is a programme of digitally creative experiences for everyone, no matter what your previous knowledge or skills are. Our aim is to inspire and engage through fun and exciting new technologies.
I’ve been working on Make Stuff since November last year and am thrilled that we’ve just launched our programme. We have a host of amazing workshops ready for you to book – and lots more on their way. I’m really looking forward to all of it, but I think Make Stuff: Family Edition will be something else. I’m very much looking forward to the robot chickens!
Find out about this and book events today by stepping this way.
It’s been a special experience of getting to know local artists and digital geniuses across Stockport. It’s been brilliant hearing from them how and why they got into creative digital. We’ve also been meeting some wonderful volunteers. If you’d like to get involved, it’s not too late. Please check out our volunteering opportunities.
I hope you have a fantastic time at Make Stuff in Stockport 2024! It’s been an incredible experience creating it.

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