This week we have passed another milestone with the 20,000th sign-up to My Account. It seems a good point to take stock of recent developments to My Account and across our digital programme.
My Account
We have:
- introduced an ‘On boarding wizard’ which guides new users on how to set up their account to get the best experience
- integrated our mailmerge correspondence functionality with online notifications. This means that My Account users who have linked their Council Tax/Benefits accounts, can now view and download Council Tax and Benefits letters within their My Account and they will receive an email when new correspondence has been received
- enhanced the look and feel of the Council Tax interfaces, based on customer feedback and accessibility. Users can now view a document area
- added Admin Screen enhancements, creating the ability for administrators to unblock My Account users and check whether they have got e-billing enabled
We have been working on improvements to the accessibility of our websites as well as a number of enhancements to Stockport Local, our community groups directory, including:
- new filtering options on the landing page: Search everything, Find help and support, What’s near me and Find where to volunteer
- a management console for group owners, so they can keep their own page up-to-date, including entering and managing any events they run, for automatic inclusion in the Events calendar
- users can now mark groups as ‘favourites’, creating their own bespoke list of relevant groups that can be downloaded or printed
- where groups belong to a wider organisation (such as Age UK) we have enabled links to a wider organisational entry, which allows the user to view all groups under their umbrella
Single View
We continue to monitor use of our new ‘Signposts’ dashboard with both the Stockport Family MASSH team (Multi Agency Safeguarding and Support Hub) and the place-based integration team in Brinnington. Ongoing engagement with the teams has led to a number of user-centric changes and we have introduced one to one on-boarding for new users.
We are also continuing to bring in new data sets to the application and have recently added the Charity Log (The Prevention Alliance) and GMP Domestic Violence data.
Mobile working
130 Social Workers and School Age Plus Workers were included in Phase 1 of the mobile working rollout. We have just completed a staff survey to check on confidence levels in using the new tech on the go and provide indication of whether the benefits have been realised. The results of this will be available soon and will be the subject of a separate blog.

Case Management and Booking Systems
Around 280 staff are currently using the new Verint system, split between approximately 40 contact centre users and 230 back office users. An average of 10,000 contacts and 6,500 cases are raised in Verint each month, which is set to increase as new services and users are being added all the time.
The Bridges and Structures team have just gone live with Verint as their new case management system and we are working with the Information Governance team to bring them on board next.
We are seeing increased efficiency as staff are better able to manage and report on case loads, whilst having access to applications, legacy systems, business data and content repositories in one place reduces time consuming application switching.
We are also running a series of Verint training sessions for new and existing users which have been very well received.
Business Intelligence
A total of 27 self-service business intelligence dashboards have now been built and rolled-out in children’s services. The dashboards are used on a daily basis with an average of over 100 views per week and the most popular dashboards viewed over 600 times, demonstrating that they have become key operational and tactical management tools.
What’s coming next?
‘Track my changes’ will be made available to My Account users in the New Year. This will allow residents to view the progress of their outstanding transactions, such as new benefits claims.
‘Book an attraction’ for schools to be able to book visits via an online form. The team are hoping to go live with the first attractions, Bramhall Hall, Staircase House and the Hat Works, early in the New Year.
We are working on ‘suitable for’ filters for groups and services in Stockport Local as well as an advisor console that will enable logged in professionals to see non-public data. Both will help our staff to refer residents to the most appropriate support available. We will also be adding the ability to automatically archive groups that haven’t been updated within the last 12 months. Groups will be sent email notifications to alert them in advance of this.
We will be using our public content API to pull events from into another website, with being used as the initial exemplar.