We’re recruiting developers!

We’re recruiting developers!

Come and join a forward looking and enthusiastic development team that are working to better the lives of Stockport’s citizens using the latest technology. You’ll be working in a progressive, supportive Agile environment, with a great culture and multi-disciplinary...
Design pattern library in progress

Design pattern library in progress

Over the past 8 months the digital team have been working on creating a reusable design pattern library to help create consistent ways to design and implement user journeys. As a council we offer a variety of different services, and it’s important that they are...
How we prototype a new service

How we prototype a new service

Further to the Going beyond digital blog last month, Vim from FutureGov describes the next stage of the service design process for our ‘Financial Landscape’ project. For the last few months we’ve been working with a multidisciplinary team at Stockport Council which...
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