Digital Inclusion

We need to build residents digital confidence and skills to improve resilience and opportunities. We are working with the cross-sector Digital Inclusion Alliance (DigiKnow). We aim to develop support capacity by increasing membership of this network and training more digital champions to help people. We must ensure our services are accessible to all.

Why are we doing this? 

Key outcomes include:

  • Build residents’ digital confidence/skills to improve resilience and opportunities
  • Increase Digital Inclusion Alliance network membership, building support capacity
  • More Digital Champions to help people
  • Services accessible to all

How might we do this?

  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Training to support community groups
  • Digital inclusion pathway to signpost residents to the relevant support
  • Voluntary/community sector support to develop digital skills/infrastructure
  • More devices to children for education
  • Map free public wi-fi across the borough
  • Encourage businesses to open wi-fi
  • Enable more affordable wi-fi packages

Please email your comments and suggestions.

What impact have we already made?

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a day dedicated to thinking about digital access and inclusion. The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, however, many people miss out on the opportunities it offers because of barriers to getting...

The impact of digital on health, social care and wellbeing

Dr Chris Nortcliff, GP, is the Digital Lead on the GM Primary Care Provider Board Delivery Team, and the Clinical Lead on the GM Digital First Primary Care Programme. Digital is vitally essential for health. Being online gives people better access to information and...

DigiCamp: Stockport’s First Unconference

In this blog, DigiKnow partner MadLab, tell us more about a community event which is taking place as part of their Make Stuff digital arts festival. Claire Wicher is Head of Education and Skills, MadLab; Perin Avari, their Diversity and Mental Health Champion....

How do you use digital?

SAZ MEDIA are a film and photography Social Enterprise. They reinvest profits back into supporting the community by giving free learning opportunities for diverse communities and are a DigiKnow partner. Sara Auty is Executive Director.Digital technology provides an...

Where creativity meets coding to CTRL+ALT+DEL community problems and injustice

In this blog, DigiKnow partner MadLab, tell us more about a recent community hackathon which took place as part of their Make Stuff digital arts festival. Claire Wicher is Head of Education and Skills, MadLab; Perin Avari, their Diversity and Mental Health...

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